Part of Café Yumm!’s mission statement is to “consciously maximize our contribution to sustainable business practices and healthy living within our workplaces and communities.”
Each year, Café Yumm! donates time and money to non-profit organizations that share our vision of nurturing whole foods, active and healthy lifestyles, and environmental responsibility. Some of the organizations we have supported include:
- local food banks
- food and water protection and distribution
- public education
- fitness and athletic programs
- reuse and recycling efforts
- preventative health programs
- pro bono legal efforts tied to these areas
We focus on the communities where Café Yumm! restaurants are located or where Café Yumm! products are sold. If you would like to submit a donation request, please contact us. We may refer donation requests to the Owner/Manager at a specific location if your event or organization applies only to that community or neighborhood.
Donations are only given to nonprofit organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code due to their charitable or educational efforts. All requests must fit within the scope of causes we support. Donation requests of $100 or more require a confirmation letter from the recipient organization which must include a tax exempt number.
While we eat so healthfully and heartily, let us not forget those on our planet and in our communities who are less fortunate. Please support your local food programs.
Mary Ann, Co-founder